Friday, October 28, 2011

Madagascar Video Review

So over the past week or so, I've tinkered around with my YouTube channel that is now conveniently linked to my Gmail account which is also linked to this (yay for convergence of technology!).  Anywho, there are now dozens (I believe) of videos on my YouTube, from my month in Madagascar.  Most are fairly cool (or so I like to think).  So I'm posting them to the blog for all to see!  Enjoy!

PS: This mostly just covers the first 1/3 of my trip - all along the northern coasts of Madagascar.  There will be more "Video Reviews" forthcoming as I upload them to YouTube

In mostly chronological order:

To start off with, a quick WindowsMovieMaker compilation of pictures with my favorite Malagasy song: Ahetseo dieny Izao by Yzit.

Some footage of the highlands outside of Tana (the capital) on the way to Mahajanga at the beginning of my trip

Betsiboka ("Many Not Lepers"...?) River on the way to Mahajanga 

Look! A suspension bridge! Who knew.

Cows.  On the way to Mahajanga.

Driving through a town on the way to Mahajanga

MAHAJANGA! Finally.  This is the famous baobab tree in the middle of town.  
Take from a pousse-pousse.

For all you who followed my blog over the summer, this is the video I mentioned during one of my first posts "The Road to Diego doesn't go through Hellville, but it sure feels like it"  This was taken in the middle of the night, and basically this is what it was like for me all not long on my bus ride.  Not to mention the driver was smoking (I was in the front seat next to him), the windows were down (a chilly and windy), we got a flat tire, and buses are just uncomfortable to begin with.  This music nearly drove me insane.

This was on the way from Mahajanga to Diego.

When the sun came up, there was some pretty scenery, and some more annoying music

Abanja.  This is one of the most unique towns in Madgascar, and one of my favorite - just because of the cool tree lined street that runs through the whole thing.  Although if you read my blog, you may recall this was a very frustrating place.

Every now and then I'd get a humble-check.  This one reminded me to be grateful I was in a bus and not the back of a truck, like this.

Some scenery on the road to Diego.

Diego!  I was so glad to be here after that terrible bus ride, it wasn't even funny.

In the car on the road from Diego to Ramena (like 20 minutes away).

Tribute to Diego and The Emerald Sea.  Glorious Day.  Also, one of my favorite songs, by Tom Frager - "Lady Melody"

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