Friday, October 21, 2011

Ft. Dauphin: Madagascar's Undiscovered World-Class Resort Location (shhhh!!!)

Tuesday was spent bumming around Ft. Dauphin.  Busteed went surfing in the morning which was a moderate success, and I ... I dont remember exactly what I did, but it was probably something lame.  We ate a pizza in the afternoon (I ate the pizza b/c Busteed... wasn't hungry or didnt want to spend $5 on a pizza lol) The restaurant had a nice view of the ocean.  For some reason, I don't have many pictures from Ft. Dauphin, and I'm not sure why.  Busteed had some great ones, but they're all gone : - (  So here are pics from Ft. Dauphin

Looking Northeast out over the bay.  Those mountains are where Evatraha is.

Panorama of the Ft. Dauphin bay (not sure of its real name) looking north/northeast.  Later that day Busteed and I swam down on the left.  Finally allowing me to claim that I've swam in the Indian Ocean.

This water is actually somewhat dirtier than it looks.  The locals call this the dirty beach.  Mostly b/c there used to be a port right here and so theres a few sunken ships and such.  If I had a million dollars, the first thing I would do would be to buy this entire beach (the whole bay).  And make sure it was kept as beautiful as it is right now.  (And clean it up a little).

Part of Ft. D looking southeast from the same spot.

Oh there's the trash! (looking straight down to the beach from the same spot)

Haha! At the place we got the pizza.  Soeur (Sister) Peterson was one office couples during our mission and she was pretty much our grandma for 2 years.  The missionaries loved her to death.  So I couldn't resist taking the picture : - )

This dude (on the left) is the nephew of the Ft. D Branch President both of whose names escape me right now).  We had a very up and down relationship with him, but he was alright.  Busteeds face kinda says it all, as usual.

Ah look how happy we are lol

The morning we left (Wednesday) I paid a cab to drive me in to town to catch the sunrise.  Obviously I was a little late (otherwise these photos would be even better) but it was still pretty.

These are all still from the same place I took the other ones.

These goons ran the bus company we were on.  When we visited them on Sunday they told us there would be buses Tuesday and Thursday.  So originally I was planning to go Tuesday to have enough time for all the things I'd need to do in Tana.  Monday night they're like "Oh btw, no bus tomorrow.  There's only one on Wednesday"  Which totally freaked Busteed and I out, b/c they already said "One on Tuesday come rain or shine" - meaning (in our minds) if they were cancelling a "very sure" bus we could find ourselves in a Vangaindrano situation - stuck in a town for days waiting for a bus (albeit in an infinitely more beautiful location) - but either way, a situation neither we (nor my $1400 one way non-refundable flight to China on Sunday) did fancy.

Luckily, Busteed and I got on a bus Wednesday morning and were on our way back to Tana - on a 48 hour bus ride of doom.

These were our accommodations, for 2 full days.  As much space as those people had, we had.  It was glorious. 

Busteed's deceptive smile.  He was NOT happy lol, video coming soon in the next post.

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