Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Dragon River continued

I found 16 (yes just 16) more good/have good stories pictures!  from the Dragon River ... expedition.

So after seeing the water buffalos and mr. corn husk man, we mozied on down the river, under the DRAGON BRIDGE (yes, all caps) and further down stream.
action shot

pretty umbrellas

People have been playing cards here for 600 years!

Romantic? ... hahahaha this story gets so much better

This is the exciting part of the story.  Directly ahead is about a 2-3 foot waterfall... of doom.  Were we speeding towards it? You Betcha.
So we go over the waterfall... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! and I notice a flash of light and thought "Oh well, I guess we died"
Nope! (see below)

This was the ghetto Chinese version of an amusement ride - where they snap your picture as you go down the big drop.  So this lady apparently took our picture from a raft, and they offered to print you out a copy right then and there on the HP Deskjet printer ....lolz.
I refused of course.

How many things are wrong in this picture?
How many things are about to go wrong?

Uh. Oh.................
so much for romantic

Yeah, so after going down the waterfall, our raft people pulled us UP the waterfall, and when I say "us" I mean they made us get off the raft and stand on the waterfall (which became quite crowded) while they hoisted their rafts up the waterfall by hand.  It all seemed like a lot of work for a lame picture that I didnt buy haha


We'll be right back, after a word from our sponsor, Red Bull!

600 years, and 6 minutes... still here.

Here ye be a findin' yer ancient dragons

So old.

So artsy.

When I first got to Madagascar on my mission, I said that it reminded me of China - dusty, dirty, full of people, and something about the dirt.  Well that distinction quickly wore off as I developed my own perception of Madagascar.  These red brick buildings, however, are kinda similar to the ones in Mada.  Felt a little like home : )
And that concludes our Dragon River Expedition!

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